Seriously, GO TOM!
Hi there! In case you didn't know, I created newgrounds. No, it wasn't made by some giant company - just some dumb kid who now has help. I also co-founded the Behemoth; we made Alien Hominid and Castle Crashers. Icon by Pegosho, banner by OmenaKettu.
Age 46, Male
NG Webmaster
Glenside, PA
Joined on 12/15/99
Seriously, GO TOM!
I hear the sound of a baby typing on a keyboard.
Congrats, to both of you!
Name him, Steve, after the Tankman who's a Coshophobe.
(fear of being shot in the dick)
congrats. People have been telling me I need to show you a game I just made called "The Girl Ain't Preggers."
Congratulations Tom and April!
Oh my goodness. Congrats for making it this long without knocking someone up.
wow, i wonder how hes gonna feel being the heir to an empire, now would be a great tiime to make it child frndly (or atleast ban obsene pictures and words from the movies) i.e <a href="http://www.n">http://www.n</a> . just remember to remove the space there if anyone sees this.
Congrats! Hope to hear if the baby is a boy or girl and what his/her name is! I hope you'll show pictures of the baby in the Spring! ^_^
That is one day before my own birthday. If she so happens to have it a day early name the kid after me.
Congradulations Tom; in the words of Luca Brasi "May there first child be a masculine child".
now we know what you've been doing in your spare time away from ng
Hey man Congrats :D
You look nothing like your portrayed to be!
But Tom and April, congrats! :)
Mini- Fulp. LOL.
Waittttttt, does this mean your not goin to b around to make games?!?!?!?!?!?
We can only hope he doesn't inherit your man crush on JT, Tom.
Name it "B-Bot"
I think you should called the baby NarutoPwnzAll8890223908765.
sweet dood congraaaaaaaaaaaaatz! =DDDDDD