Hi there! In case you didn't know, I created newgrounds. No, it wasn't made by some giant company - just some dumb kid who now has help. I also co-founded the Behemoth; we made Alien Hominid and Castle Crashers. Icon by Pegosho, banner by OmenaKettu.
I took TRMNL up on their offer and they were quick to send one to the office! Here it is:
I always wanted a screen like this at the office but it felt wasteful to have an always-on computer monitor for this sort of thing. TRMNL works great because it's wireless and is expected to run for months without charging (it's an e-ink display like a Kindle screen).
They didn't request or pay for a plug but I feel a plug is warranted since they gave us something cool, go check out TRMNL and see if it's something you might like around the house or office!
Shout out to g0m for making a Newgrounds plugin. The barcode next to each daily winner lets you load it up on your phone to check it out.
I like the visual feel of the fast jabs and how he does that spinning windup punch. He also has lots of fun throw moves where he flails enemies around in various ways. His jump animation is cool, likely inspired by Strider.
Overall it's a good SNES showcase with the feel of bringing the arcade home.
Ninja Warriors was another good example of this:
There's a Ninja Warriors remake that I've been meaning to check out, it looks cool:
If you haven't read the NG history, I was obsessed with the Neo Geo. My youth had been plagued by imperfect arcade ports, one of my big memories being the NES port of Double Dragon, which departed drastically from the arcade version and didn't even include two player co-op.
There were a lot of disappointments. The Sears Christmas catalog teased the upcoming Bionic Commando with a screenshot from the arcade version, which simply wasn't possible to reproduce on the NES.
Data East had a questionable habit of showing arcade screenshots on the back of the box, resulting games like Karnov and Kid Niki looking nothing like what you saw in the store.
Then along came the Neo Geo, a system where the games you played in the arcade were the same games you played at home. After dropping a bunch of quarters on Sengoku, it became my mission to have one and I eventually did get one used. As sad as it probably sounds, this was a defining accomplishment in my life.
One thing a lot of Neo Geo fans dreamed about was the potential for other arcade games to be ported to the Neo Geo, as it was powerful enough to run a lot of them. Rumors swirled on Prodigy of games like these existing, for example one friend told me that in Taiwan you could get a bootleg arcade-perfect Mortal Kombat for the Neo Geo. In retrospect that likely wasn't true, regardless the thought tantalized.
More than 30 years later, some of these dreams are actually becoming reality! A dude named Hoffman has recently ported the arcade version of Shinobi to the Neo Geo and is in the process of porting Golden Axe.
Even more wild, there's a remake of the original Double Dragon coming to the Neo Geo but with new "Neo Geo style" art.
People are still making entirely new games for the Neo Geo, too!
Ports go in other directions, too. Neo Geo classic Magician Lord is being ported to the SuperGrafx, another elusive console I always wanted but never obtained.
Meanwhile that Mortal Kombat port finally happened... On the 3DO!
The Neo Geo remains a magical console to me, full of wonder. I aspire for Newgrounds to fill people with this same sense of wonder!
I mentioned it in this post but then @BrandyBuizel shared a bunch of photos he took, so I thought a follow-up might be nice for people who like looking at pictures.
Last night was Short Short Fest in Prospect Park, PA, organized by Lee Thompson and the @Barnhouse Collective. The event was at Marty Magee’s indoor/outdoor patio and the weather just happened to be perfect for a night of watching animation under the stars.
I arrived early to meet up with @Luis and @Krinkels, which worked out well because we snagged a good table complete with drawing paper tablecloth. @MechanicalMantis joined us to complete the set.
I was enjoying the pre-show music and asked Lee who put it together, at which point I was pointed to a guy who just happened to be @topcatyo! Topcatyo has been on NG forever but we’ve never met in-person before. I couldn’t remember if he took a selfie so I reached out for pictures, only to learn he did not in fact take a selfie but did take other great photos.
Topcatyo was also screening “Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse DELETED SCENE.”
I bumped into @Jaime-R! He was there to screen Bet it was Becca, from the Paloni Show Halloween Special on Adult Swim. I don’t think this one is officially available on the web but it’s a must-watch and got the biggest response of the night, as it should because Jaime-R is one of the greatest animators to ever live.
@Brewster was there with a lovely new movie that hasn't been released yet, I'll just say everyone is in for a treat. The last time I saw him at Short Short Fest, he was screening "The Gold Men."
I saw @tristious at a distance but he vanished before I got to say hi. He was there to screen the Hot Razor video he directed and animated for $UICIDEBOY$.
The final stop on my way out was the bathroom, where I bumped into @Knights!
I think there is at least one other movie that screened last night that is also on NG but it is escaping my brain at the moment. Let me know if you were there and I didn't include you in this wrap-up!
Here are some tech news videos I've enjoyed over the past month:
"Scientists in Copenhagen have successfully demonstrated a chip that can send enough data every second to cope with the entire internet's traffic, all at a fraction of the energy demand."
"A New Way to Achieve Nuclear Fusion" - this isn't related to the fusion announcement by the government last month, it's a different company that came out of stealth mode afterwards.
"6K Energy has developed an innovative process to produce battery material that leapfrogs legacy battery material processing technology with proven 6,000-degree Kelvin microwave plasma technology, known as UniMelt®. 6K’s UniMelt process can produce multiple chemistries ultra-fast and at substantially lower cost with significantly less environmental impact than the current process. 6K’s UniMelt can produce battery material using 90% less water, generating zero solid and liquid waste and significantly less energy and CO2 emissions."
Latest Boston Dynamics demonstration:
"How Physicists Created a Holographic Wormhole in a Quantum Computer" - interesting developments on the topic of traversable wormholes and the idea that black holes and quantum entanglement are the same thing.
There has been lots of battery tech news over the past month but it's always hard to know what will actually come to market and what technologies will win. BMW announced their Gen 6 battery will offer 30% improved range, 50% reduced cost and 60% reduced carbon emissions to produce. They plan to debut the new batteries in their Neue Klasse models in 2025.
StoreDot's Extreme Fast Charging batteries tout faster charging and higher energy density, have already been confirmed by third parties and are expected to be in production next year.
There are numerous battery factories coming to the US and some good news for Australia, too:
This video about flywheels is an interesting look at how old technology can also meet modern demands:
I've posted before about how I like to keep up with battery tech, so here's some updates from this past month.
NASA is making progress with a solid state battery that weights 30-40% less than conventional lithium-ion batteries with 2-3x the energy density. As a solid state battery it doesn't contain liquid, which solves the flammability issues associated with traditional batteries. It also doesn't use cobalt, nickel, or manganese. These batteries make electric planes a lot more feasible, due to the combination of reduced weight and improved energy density.
We're still gonna need a lot of lithium but as demand grows, the processes to extract and refine lithium will continue to improve. Here's a video about EnergyX, a company that is doing that sort of stuff:
As we move away from fossil fuels as an energy source, the alternatives will keep getting better. Batteries keep getting better, solar panels keep getting better and we keep finding better ways to make both of these with more common resources. More and more money and research will be invested in these spaces as it becomes clear that people won't be buying internal combustion engine cars in the future. As long as we don't get cold feet and turn back, things will continue to get better.
US factory production is apparently the highest it's been in 14 years and it should continue to improve as the US on-shores more of its chip, battery and electric vehicle production. Things still feel like a mess right now but there are a lot of signs that better days are coming. I'm hopeful!
I was in New York City yesterday and took three pictures. I would have taken more but I was trying to be in the moment. This was my first time in NYC since before COVID so I got to see the Little Island that opened there.
You can listen to this song while you look at the pictures:
This past weekend Adult Swim rolled into Philly to host a block party, with panels and concerts and other festivities.
One of the events was a Smiling Friends panel on Saturday, featuring show creators @psychicpebbles and @MichaelCusack. Nick Wolfhard was slated to moderate the panel but he couldn't make it to town, so I ended up being the moderator! I'm credited as Nick Wolfhard in this video, though:
The full panel was an hour long and included a premier of the Brazil episode.