You should get a few glass showcases down there and put things from NG's history in it, so when people stop by, they can see the little Newground's Museum.
otherwise, It would make for a nice little Indoor Parking area.
Hi there! In case you didn't know, I created newgrounds. No, it wasn't made by some giant company - just some dumb kid who now has help. I also co-founded the Behemoth; we made Alien Hominid and Castle Crashers. Icon by Pegosho, banner by OmenaKettu.
Age 46, Male
NG Webmaster
Glenside, PA
Joined on 12/15/99
You should get a few glass showcases down there and put things from NG's history in it, so when people stop by, they can see the little Newground's Museum.
otherwise, It would make for a nice little Indoor Parking area.
Why does the phrase "NGCon 2011" spring to mind...
Just open a nightclub there, and use me as a DJ! Free of charge, ofc. Just get me some drinks + women.. :)
How about making it into a game arena like dreamhack thats in sweden GO SWEDEN :D with places u can buy food and stuffs.
Wow, so is Stamper being a big helper with this project?
You could always grow pot...
it still looks like shit.
haha, nah i'm kidding.
you know tom your ranks aren't right. you outta be level 60, a supreme commander, and have deity whistle status. After all on newgrounds you are pretty much a god
oh yea if people insult you its because the more power you have the more you get blamed (I sed blame not blam)
woah, nice job. way to take out the trash Newgrounds!
I call the arm chair!
I love the idea of having this as space for NG events and the likes, where NG could have meetups of all sorts. Just don't tell the Clock Crew. :P
It seems like there's a considerable amount of space, from what I can see... Although depth perception isn't my considerable cup of tea. I prefer Earl Grey.
Drvanilla sayz: Raffle tickets so liek 100 people get to party there with the NG crew. GRAND OPENING PARTAY!!~
P.S Drvanilla get the first one furr the idea!
Fulp, I love you.
But I belong to Stamper.
You're my true hero Tom!
I can be your secretary :3
Looks pretty cool. Almost looks like my basement. Finally finishing it up tomorrow!
And one more thing, THANK YOU so much for the name change. I'm loving it!
so where's the cock joke?
Put a communal cooking pot in the center so you can keep dirty peasants away from your clean vending machine.
the best use for empty space EVER