One issue I have is with Mofunzone who is quite stubborn with crediting the people he sponsors.
My official first game was a small one that I never got coauthored for.
I've noticed Mofunzone doing a bunch of cheap tricks for site views so I've always been bugged by his treatment of the people who provide his site with content. I've not ever had that problem elsewhere.
I'm not quite sure what issue you have with cookie cutter games. Im assuming it has to do with bandwidth and you wanting to save some dough on games that have been seen many times before. (which is understandable)
As for games which you don't know if it's stolen.. it's pretty challenging to tell unless you do some research or get a message from the original artist. I see a lot of my games jacked onto random small sites (desirable if they contain ads) but Newgrounds is above such things. Stolen games should def. be removed.
Mochi did an article recently about developers not getting credit for their sponsored work which really got my attention. So I think you should make a statement in the submission process (Bolded) that recommends the developers be credited somewhere.. be it description, coauthor, in game.. etc.
I noticed that some time ago too. There are lots of, sorry, crappy flash games coming in. While I don't say there's no effort involved I vote for the apocalypse.
If you choose to make a flash game you are usually aware of how difficult it can be to make a good innovative game, and if you lower your goals because of that and make a crappy 1 button game then you simply shouldn't make flash games at all except for practice because nobody will play it and it will be left in the virtual cellar of newgrounds, so basically theres no difference - it either hibernates on your harddrive or on newgrounds.
I must note however that there ARE simple flash games like Super Ryucopter.. so you shouldn't select what to blam by simplicity and bizarro-effortlessness alone.
Maybe just increase all users voting power against games only?
Like this:
My voting power for movies:
My voting power for games:
if score increases: 3,80
if score is lowered: 7,60