Hi there! In case you didn't know, I created newgrounds. No, it wasn't made by some giant company - just some dumb kid who now has help. I also co-founded the Behemoth; we made Alien Hominid and Castle Crashers. Icon by Pegosho, banner by OmenaKettu.

Age 46, Male

NG Webmaster


Glenside, PA

Joined on 12/15/99

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Dear Mr Fulp. This account on <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com">www.newgrounds.com</a> is now property of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Hand over the password via PM and you will be thanked for your cooperation. If not, you may be arrested for obstruction of investigation, risking a prison sentence of 5-20 years.

We will also try and check your browser history for weird, kinky porn, so you may want to link us to that too.

I am absolutely loving the people who feel the need to counsel you on how this may be a fake. Troll level: Newgrounds via the FBI

scam , report them to the cyber Police man

Well for starters. It's not from the FBI.

It's from srv15.000webhost.com.

These types don't even dignify a response.

@ godyousuck: I am well aware that this is likely a troll post. (Hunger Games: The Game, anyone?)

I was simply posting my reasons for not replying if, against all odds, this crap is actually real.

That's the most juevenile and illegitimately worded 'athouratitive' email I've ever read. Don't send them that info for fuck sake.

Seems legit, I'm going to do it right now! :)

Tom, I work for Verizon FiOS tech support, and we've been seeing a lot of fake FBI notifications, ranging from emails like this, or a screen that will not allow you to close it or minimize it. It's a virus/scam, and do not send your personal information over to it. Hell, haven't you guys seen legal affairs in the past, anyway?

Lol, disregard me entirely, I overlooked the webhost. If you fall for that shit, then God help you.

Hahaha, that's so fake! The FBI would already have that sort of information on you.....big brother is always watching..... >_> <_<

I love the "If you do not have a credit or debit card, go to your bank and get one." line hahaha. Tom deposit all of your money into a new bank account and give it to the FBI! Quick you only have 72 hours!!! D:

Nothing like a good phishing expedition to see who's dumb enough to believe crap like this. Little hint here folks: the FBI, BBB, CIA, IRS and any other government TLA's will NEVER send you e-mail. They'll just crash in your front door in the middle of the night with a warrant in one hand and some large, intimidating weapon in the other and ask all the questions they want face-to-face. They're funny like that - they truly prefer the personal touch in dealing with their victims.

But you'll be surprised how many people (especially older people who are afraid of the interwebs) think this is legit and actually respond with all of the personal data as asked - and then a few days later discover not only are they penniless - they have thousands of dollars in new debt.

90% of my e-mail goes unread - just reading the subject line and/or sender address is enough to tell me it's crap. Welcome to the world of social engineering, where the weakest link in a system's security is now, and always will be, the end-user. Take it from someone who knows...

Thanks for sharing this little chuckle with us, Tom.

You should really keep us updated on the "special forces" they'll be sending out.

can I have your domain if you go to jail?

Fake. Definitely. I mean, why would the FBI need your credit card numbers? Really?

The FBI wouldnt ask u to get a card thats all fake for sure dont do it tom until u see a badge at least

WAIT for the 'Special Forces' Tom because that sounds very fishy.

Don't be a pussy Tom, just do it!

fbi can get all that information themselfs and if u were under investigation they sure as hell wouldnt tell u its not like being audited. And asking for ur card information and not ur social witch in return could give them access to most of that information. not legit at all

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