
131 Art Reviews

86 w/ Responses

Really fun style, would love to play a whole game that looks like this!

IkaroKruz responds:

Thanks a lot, Tom! I'm very glad you like it!! :D

Ribbachile! Holy crap I could totally see him having his own show now with some upgraded style...

This is early for Pico Day but still a good way to get pumped!


Congrats on 1.1 million views and excellent work once again! I can just picture that knife cutting and cauterizing the wound all in one sinister slice. It would be really horrifying to get in a fight with this guy.

deathink responds:


Thanks a lot Tom. Next milestone, 10k newgrounds follower (NG legend status). When drawling this I meant it as a self portrait of Deathink. I honestly couldn't be happier with how this all turned out.

We could stock the Newgrounds office with beer but then you'd just be trapped here instead. Glenside station will be closed.

Luis responds:

Would be cool to do that some weekend. Been feeling the itch to animate again from watching that art cave thing. I also liked working under pressure on something really time sensitive and relateable like this pope thing. Looking forward to the screenings!

Sooooo many details... I just found a snake! You knock it out of the park every year!

deathink responds:

Thanks Tom. The temporary nerve damage was worth it!

Man I love everything you do. When I clicked this picture and it went into full-size, fullscreen... I had this feeling wash over me... That feeling I would get when I was a kid and I would see some game art from an upcoming game that I just HAD TO HAVE... A sort of joy and excitement you rarely feel as an adult.

It's not something I can do at this moment but I'm already fantasizing about this as a game on NG that you play on-line multiplayer with other NGers... Four tiny ships, flying around in fullscreen mode. HTML5 so you can play it on your phone and just touch/drag your ship around to dodge while auto-firing...

ScepterDPinoy responds:

That would be cool. The good news is I'm making a Clock Crew Shmup before Clock Day 2015. Crunch Time is imminent sometimes.

I was waiting to write a review after I found the Missile Mastar, but I still haven't!

This poster is amazing and so much fun to explore. I love that it includes web game characters, since a lot of the indie scene tends to ignore web games. Was especially thrilled to see some Raybots in there :)

ScepterDPinoy responds:

Thank you for releasing Cathode Raybots for people on the internet to enjoy (you are an great programmer and an influence on the internet). I hope I will make a third part of this poster in the far future.

wondering if it is necessary to give out hint for finding Missile Mastar.

Was thinking about your idea for a game where you build up into the sky to watch more exotic birds... Then saw this and imagined what if you stumbled across it as you built higher and higher... A whole strange world that gradually opens up to you as you go higher and higher... So much cool potential!

Carrion responds:

Lets make it happen!

It would be interesting to see that version talk in the actual game! Kinda creepy even... Especially if his eyes shifted to look at you.

Potatoman responds:

It is possessing the souls of hundreds of lipsyncers.

Hi there! In case you didn't know, I created newgrounds. No, it wasn't made by some giant company - just some dumb kid who now has help. I also co-founded the Behemoth; we made Alien Hominid and Castle Crashers. Icon by Pegosho, banner by OmenaKettu.

Age 46, Male

NG Webmaster


Glenside, PA

Joined on 12/15/99

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