
72 Game Reviews

48 w/ Responses

I really enjoyed the sprites! I kept running and shooting to see what would come out next. I also liked how much more powerful each level up made me feel as I was mowing down baddies.

Has potential...

The Rick Roll fad died for me years ago, but this was oddly compelling... I found myself trying to see if it was possible to get through the level before the video started, I'm pretty sure it's impossible.


Imagine if you had a little hourglass on the screen, and when it runs out, the video starts and you LOSE the level. And then imagine there are a whole bunch of levels, and the goal of each is to get through before the timer runs out and the video starts. I could get hooked on that.

I fu fu fu FAILED?!

But I totally kicked his ass!!! I must have missed something secret I needed to do at the end. Awesome game, though... I like to do three punches and then kick 'em in the nards.

El-Presidente responds:

Tom! I'm pissed, you were our secret character, except we didn't have enough time :(. Happy Birthday / Pico Day! Thanks for front page by the way...

Woah thanks guys!

This game brought a tear to my beard. I was dying to see what you were gonna use those voice recordings for and you didn't let me down. The only problem is, now we have to make Castle Crashers better to compete with this, so it's gonna get delayed another year.

BoMToons responds:

Thanks so much for doing those voice clips with no explanation of what they were gonna be used for! And you better be joking about delaying CC's release ;)

This is just too awesome.

I think this just might be my favorite game all year!

A solid platformer!

It looks like a lot of people are giving this game a hard time because they don't agree with the message. It's a solid platformer and plays better than a majority of the web-based platformers out there. Considering this is your first big attempt at a game, you are showing a true nack for gameplay and level design. I'm looking forward to whatever games you choose to make in the future!

The engine is amazing!

I was tempted to give this an eight since it is still basically a demo... But it is just too good for an eight. Still, I'll have to reserve my 10 for a full version! :)

This game is amazing... It unlocks all sorts of dreams for something very, very cool.

Best one yet!

These games get better every time - keep it up! One glitch that almost stopped my from advancing was the collision detection with picking up the bomb - I had to cross over it several times before it registered. Other than that, the puzzles were great and the addition of bombs was a nice touch! Great work!!!

One of the most inventive Flash games yet!

This is definitely one of the most entertaining and satisfying Flash games I have played in a while - the puzzles and map are well thought out, and it was lots of fun to discover all the secrets. Great work!!!

Just plain funny.

It's short, it's simple, but the imagery is perfect and it makes me crack up every time I play it. Anything that can still make me laugh is definitely worth seeing!

Hi there! In case you didn't know, I created newgrounds. No, it wasn't made by some giant company - just some dumb kid who now has help. I also co-founded the Behemoth; we made Alien Hominid and Castle Crashers. Icon by Pegosho, banner by OmenaKettu.

Age 46, Male

NG Webmaster


Glenside, PA

Joined on 12/15/99

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