Mindchamber showed me a pic of your book case. That's some pimpin' wood work. Thanks for that.
I heard "Vegetarian Melatonin" is a safe and natural sleep aid to help get your sleep schedule back in order.
I heard that taking "Probiotics" helps over-crowd your body with "good bacteria" so that anything that is "bad bacteria" that normally causes flu or cold like symptoms are pushed back and diminished.
Take GOOD care of your health Tom.
You appear to be more vulnerable to these sort of things so you may have to give up doing all this traveling and drinking.
I know your appearance is important but if it's gonna be too hard on you - you may have to lessen your traveling and just stick to the "near-at-home" business.
Take care of yourself Tom.
Eesh, sorry about the "Answer Lazymuffin" thing, I'll let everyone know you answered us!