This time of the year always seems to be hectic...
July 17th - Launched the site redesign.
July 22nd - Flew to San Diego for Comic-Con
July 30th - Flew back to Philly
July 31st - August 2nd - Caught up on over 2,000 emails and PMs.
August 3rd - Flew to Las Vegas for best friend Andy's bachelor party
August 6th - Flew back.
August 7th - 10th: Built three area levels for VS mode in Castle Crashers, as well as an arena battle menu system, with an expanded character roster and arena select.
I need to have the VS mode arenas ready and "well tested" before I fly out to Seattle on August 23rd for the Penny Arcade Expo, where we will be running some VS battle competitions and giving out prizes!
Tonight is Andy's rehearsal dinner and tomorrow is the wedding.
Everything is on track, EXCEPT for prizes! I have yet to announce the Best of July (expect that on Monday), and we still haven't sent out prize packs for the Best of June, Rock out winners (for best songs) and the Transformers Collab. I have a feeling we aren't getting the prizes they had offered to supply us with (I blame Stamper), but we'll probably go out and buy a bunch of TF toys. We can get better ones anyway, and I doubt anyone really wanted the soundtrack that much.
The Castle Crashers arenas should be a lot of fun. The first features standard fighting, but the second and third mix things up. In the second arena, you only have a bow and arrow and a bunch of pillars to hind behind. Players run around and collect power-ups, which make them run faster while shooting arrows further and faster as well. It becomes a crazy shootout as players get more and more powerful.
In the third arena, players only have shovels, and must dig around looking for a special power up that allows them to pummel and terrorize their opponents. I might change this to a treasure hunt with gems, and make a fourth arena that deals with defenseless players seeking ultimate power, I haven't decided yet.
I gotta head out to that rehearsal dinner! And I'm behind on PMs again. :(
The digging part sound cool :)