
86 Art Reviews w/ Response

All 131 Reviews

I was waiting to write a review after I found the Missile Mastar, but I still haven't!

This poster is amazing and so much fun to explore. I love that it includes web game characters, since a lot of the indie scene tends to ignore web games. Was especially thrilled to see some Raybots in there :)

ScepterDPinoy responds:

Thank you for releasing Cathode Raybots for people on the internet to enjoy (you are an great programmer and an influence on the internet). I hope I will make a third part of this poster in the far future.

wondering if it is necessary to give out hint for finding Missile Mastar.

Was thinking about your idea for a game where you build up into the sky to watch more exotic birds... Then saw this and imagined what if you stumbled across it as you built higher and higher... A whole strange world that gradually opens up to you as you go higher and higher... So much cool potential!

Carrion responds:

Lets make it happen!

It would be interesting to see that version talk in the actual game! Kinda creepy even... Especially if his eyes shifted to look at you.

Potatoman responds:

It is possessing the souls of hundreds of lipsyncers.

Great work on this! Was especially excited when I saw MindChamber in the video. Just now discovered my cameo for the first time!

JinnPixel responds:

I'm really glad you like it, Tom! It was awesome to make those little cameos! But man, you got a pretty hard face to replicate with angular pixels! Not sure if you heard that before tho, haha :)

Norman T. Worm III needs to become our new voting bar.

deathink responds:

I think that's a Fab idea!

I want to install a vertical monitor on the wall of the NG office and just have this running on a loop at all times! This could also turn into an awesome game.

Butzbo responds:

Woaah that would be great!; I thought a lot about them as possible videogame sprites; maybe they could fit on a platformer/runner/something.
Thanks Tom!

I MISS YOU SAM! Pico makes quite the Tankman.

SamGreen responds:

Miss you too Fulpy! I hope I'm better prepared next year!!! The 21st birthday is always bigger I hear. ;)

This is so fun! I really need to do some large high quality prints for around the office. Can you output this at giant resolution?

MateusAbrantes responds:

Of course, Tom! Just give me some time to render the project again.

This just looks like the most fun game ever!

ScepterDPinoy responds:

If it was real, then it's worth playing.

All of your recent art has been super inspiring! This is awesome as well... I love imagining how this would look animated, especially the bubbly stuff in the background.

Carrion responds:

Thanks Tom! I'll eventually get around to doing great big animations to upload, you just wait!!

Hi there! In case you didn't know, I created newgrounds. No, it wasn't made by some giant company - just some dumb kid who now has help. I also co-founded the Behemoth; we made Alien Hominid and Castle Crashers. Icon by Pegosho, banner by OmenaKettu.

Age 46, Male

NG Webmaster


Glenside, PA

Joined on 12/15/99

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