
51 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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Great movie and very thoughtful. Hopefully everyone who watches this will go vote and review some stuff.

artistunknown responds:

Thanks, Tom! ;3

Yep, it'd be great if people went out of their way to go and vote and review more stuff because of this. That was my goal with this, to make something great and get people to appreciate everything on Newgrounds.

I enjoyed this, the world needs more stuff like this in the mix.

IceBurger responds:

I am super happy you like it!

Thanks so much for the review, I will continue making more awesome stuff.

Just wanted to say I love these and I'm so happy to see the return of Billy Lo!

shadowcounter responds:

Thanks! It will get better from here.

You did such an awesome job with this! I grew up on Construx so there's a special place in my heart for this video. Cool song too.

adamanimates responds:

thanks so much, Tom. That means an incredible amount coming from you. Newgrounds is how I started animating. Been around here for many years...

That Game of Thrones intro... I just can't even imagine how excited you were to unveil that.

ClockCrew responds:

Oh yes, we are very proud of Renegade. He did a fantastic job with it.

We were also excited that you took time out to be part of it. Thank you so much!

Brought a tear to my eye.

StrawberryClock responds:

Happy to hear that Tom! :)

The King of the Portal will forever be on Newgrounds.

Sorry you couldn't get the whole story out the way you wanted but what you have is quality! I feel like your core art and animation quality is great but some final production issues may have held it back. I'm thinking it could go without the baked-in black frame and be allowed to fill the screen. It also seems like the final output quality could have felt less blurry / compressed. What tools did you use to make it?

JesusAcHe responds:

Thanks Tom!
I tried exporting it with Adobe Premiere, but it kept crashing and there where only 3 hours left, so I panicked end used Windows Movie Maker in a last momento of weakness :P

This has always been one of the tough things with NATA; some of the highest quality entries can't finish by the deadline. You've got a great style and I'm excited to see your future stuff!

StejkRobot responds:

Wow thanks man! I'm sorry i didn't get at least some sound finished, lesson learned. There will be a finished version uploaded with THX sound, one billion full hd mega pixels and all colors as soon as possible!
Thanks again for the comment!

Breathtaking stuff, I could watch your stuff all day every day! You're getting better with each movie too and I love your taste in music. What is the song you used in this one?

spacefader responds:

Hey thanks Tom. My friend made it for the animation. It is influenced by italian movie scores from 70s horrors by people like Fabio Frizzi and also Mort Garson.

Brilliant stuff!

spacefader responds:

Awesome, cheers tom!

Hi there! In case you didn't know, I created newgrounds. No, it wasn't made by some giant company - just some dumb kid who now has help. I also co-founded the Behemoth; we made Alien Hominid and Castle Crashers. Icon by Pegosho, banner by OmenaKettu.

Age 46, Male

NG Webmaster


Glenside, PA

Joined on 12/15/99

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