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    Hi there! In case you didn't know, I created newgrounds. No, it wasn't made by some giant company - just some dumb kid who now has help. I also co-founded the Behemoth; we made Alien Hominid and Castle Crashers. Icon by Pegosho, banner by OmenaKettu.

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    Big Energy

    Posted by TomFulp - May 19th, 2022

    My kids were watching SpongeBob when this ad came on, indoctrinating them into the petroleum industry:

    It's true that we all love lots of things that depend on petroleum but this ad bothered me because ultimately, we need to come up with alternatives for all this stuff and the oil industry needs to die.

    Ya know the part where the guy's shoes vanish? That doesn't have to happen if we all wear Allbirds. This isn't a paid promotion or affiliate link; I'm wearing a pair of Tree Dashers right now and they're great. Take a look and consider them for your next shoes! Each change is a step into a better future.

    Also I wouldn't mind a future without football lol




    The fact that this commercial even exists is laughable

    that commercial gives me jaden smith vibes

    Not only that but Gas prices are at an all time high in North America now. Bad enough the environment is destroyed, but bleeding people dry. Someone's gotta do an Assassin bit on this thing.

    Not to mention the irony that this happened during the show about a mutant sponge living in a sea of discarded junk with his dumb friemd and angry neighbor.

    I can’t wait ‘till we look back on commercials like these, like we do cartoon character cigar commercials now.

    I am certain one day it will be phased out. Future generations will look back one day with horror at how we treat the planet and her gifts to us.

    Yet that future seems so depressingly far away because here we sit on the verge of ww3, the Money Men ready to kill us all to protect their beloved petrodollar.

    To quote MJ's lyrics from Money:

    "They don't care
    They'd kill for the money
    Do or dare
    The thrill for the money

    You're saluting the flag
    Your country trusts you
    Now you're wearing a badge
    You're called the "Just Few"
    And you're fighting the wars..."


    I didn't know you had kids. Congratulations. Will they be using newgrounds?

    Maybe, we'll see!

    Wait, you have kids?

    That’s why I always skip ads like these (I skip ads in out of sheer instinct, but that’s besides the point). Even with ads I may agree with, I still skip because it’s not up to them to tell me or my family what should or should not be thought.
    If there is an important topic or current event that needs to be looked at, I’ll investigate it myself in my own time, thank you very much! Not when I’m watching a podcast of people laughing at bad movies.

    Thank you for speaking out against these horrors. It'll take a while but I believe we WILL one day see a world without football, by the grace of dog

    I wouldn't mind a future without the Olympics, besides having a bunch of different countries compete with each other it seems pointless and wasteful to me.

    I wouldn't miss the Olympics either but I've just never been big on organized sports.

    Youtube disables dislikes, and now more egregious advertisements like these start appearing. Doesn't help that they've disabled comments, and now we're left with no way of communicating our dislike where people can easily see it. Like clockwork.

    I kinda get the point of it like hey, oil is actually really important, a lot more things use oil than we thought but come on now. I'm a car guy and Even I understand Oil won't last forever, and we can get Power from so many other places now. Solar, Nuclear, and Wind exist. what a dumb commercial. even more so because it's advertising on Nicktoons or whatever they call it now.

    They're also sending kids the message that your date will be bad if you don't have makeup and hair products... It's lame all around.

    gotta do a football series finale
    like end of evangelion
    but for football

    "The End of Football"

    @Jatmoz the big corporations get offended by the way we react at their bullshit so they just mute us.

    The advertising industry also needs to die, if you ask me.

    I've been trying to be conscious of my carbon footprint. Unfortunately my house isn't good for solar by my state is funding community solar farms and I'm on a wait list for one being built now. My 130mile a day commute precludes any fully electric cars in my budget but when we replaced our deer-ed prius we went for the plug in hybrid version so we're at least on electric for 30ish miles a day. But I'm still a consumer slut and my purchases usually don't take the environment into consideration which I guess I have some growing and learning to get to, especially the carbon used to get Amazon boxes to my little corner of buttfuck nowhere.

    I get the feeling you're also concerned about our species impact on the planet and trying to do right by it. Have you found it difficult to suss out corporate green washing? Is the environment a big part of your daily purchase decisions? Is your whole family on board or is it Crazy Hippie Dad/Uncle situation?

    I'm a mixed bag where I think a lot about how to improve my carbon footprint but I still do plenty of things wrong. I still have gas heat, gas hot water heat and a gas range. Those are all things I want to replace as they reach end of life. My diet has been mostly vegan for the past two years but I occasionally eat meat and have been having an uptick recently. We get a lot of groceries delivered and some are over-packaged, although if Amazon deliveries were via electric vehicles, having them bring us stuff would be better than us all driving around buying stuff.

    Lo del petróleo no es ninguna broma, esta acabando con el mundo,.es mejor la energía solar o la eólica que es infinita y no el petróleo que cuesta mucho y mata animales y afecta al medioambiente ?

    Un día de estos espero tener paneles solares en el techo de la oficina de NG.

    Buena pregunta, yo creo que sí, que raro no? , usar la página web de tu padre.

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